Abraham Hicks: The Law of Attraction

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Abraham Hicks was one of the first names I heard of when I started to look into the law of attraction. But who is Abraham Hicks and how does one find out more information about their teachings?

Abraham Hicks or Esther Hicks?

Are you confused about who Abraham Hicks is? At first, I was so confused when people would use the pronoun she in combination with Abraham but then I looked it up on the wonderful internet. Quick summary – Abraham Hicks is the name given to the messages received and translated through Esther Hicks.

So who is Esther Hicks?

Esther Hicks is an inspirational speaker and author. She has co-written numerous books with her husband, Jerry, and has presented many workshops on the Law of Attraction.

Many will know her work as Abraham Hicks. According to Esther Hicks, she “translates from a group of non-physical entities called Abraham.” and describes what she is does as tapping into “infinite intelligence” to interpret this information for us. This could also be called the collective conscious. However she receives her information and inspiration, I do not know.

But I do know her work is inspiring to many, including myself.

One of my favourite ways to use the teachings is through quotes. Whether through inspirational quote images or using my affirmation cards, I love to be able to focus on one message at a time to really keep myself in the mindset promoted by Abraham Hicks and Esther Hicks.

Law of Attraction Books

I went through a phase where I put every single Esther Hicks book about Abraham Hicks and the law of attraction on hold at my local library.

YouTube had been continuously recommending videos from Abraham Hicks lectures and conferences and I wanted to read more. As much as I love watching videos, there is something about reading that just connects deeper within me.

Interestingly enough, Esther Hicks writes very similarly to the way she talks. So if you enjoy her presentations, I think you will really like the books they have published.

The Sara Series

The Sara series is one that I have not yet read. I am listing them here for informational purposes only. In the future, I hope to read them with my children. If you have read them, please let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Affirmation Cards

If you want to learn more about Abraham Hicks or about their seminars, check out their website.

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