Positive I Am Affirmations

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Life can be difficult, especially if you are in a negative mindset. Through meditation and positive I Am affirmations, I have been able to shift my mindset.

Life can be difficult, especially if you are in a negative mindset.  Through meditation and positive I Am affirmations, I have been able to shift my mindset.

When you put negative energy out into the universe, that is the energy that you receive back. The way that you perceive the world around you can be changed with a mindset shift. While you cannot change someone else’s actions, you can change how you react the situations. Take a step back and try and see the situations that bring you down in a new light.

Changing the way you view the world is not a change that happens overnight for most people. It takes time. It takes gratitude. Being open to a new way of looking at the world is the first step to manifesting your dream life.

When I start my day in a funk, I find it very difficult to shift myself out of that mindset. It is now a part of my morning routine, to set my intentions for how I want my day to proceed. This includes meditation using positive I Am affirmations.

I make a point to clear my mind and focus on the positives in my life and my goals. Sometimes I will do stream of conscious writing of I am affirmations in my journal or I will speak them aloud to myself.

Speaking positive I Am affirmations with intention and belief is key. Believe what you are saying. Act as if.

You are capable of big things.

Don’t forget to PIN your favourite affirmations!

Positive I Am Affirmations

I am the master of my own thoughts.

I am wise.

You are amazing.

I am peaceful.

I am happy with who I am.

Dream big.

I am living a great life.

I am limitless.

Motivation comes from within.

I am open to receive the abundance of the universe.

I am motivated to reach my goals.

You are worth it.

I am confident in my abilities.

I am taking action, today.

Feel the energy of the universe.

I am relaxed and calm.

I am in command of my life.

Today is your day.

I am connected to all that is.

I am fully present.

Deep breath in.

I am taking bold steps.

I am moving forward with confidence.

Repeat these affirmations everyday as needed. Believe that you are worth everything you could possibly dream of because you are.

If you liked these affirmations, let me know in the comments below!

4 of swords tarot card from the rider tarot deck.  crystal is an orange calcite.

Today’s Tarot Reading

Today’s tarot reading, to go along with these positive I Am affirmations, is a very fitting one. I draw my tarot card, from The Rider Tarot Deck, after writing the corresponding blog post and use the energy flowing through me to know when to stop.

Today’s card is the 4 of Swords.

This card speaks of rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, and recuperation.

The crystal is an orange calcite – specifically chosen to work with while I wrote this because it helps to move positive energy through your body.

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