
Why I Practice Daily Gratitude

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Daily gratitude has become a huge part of my life. It has allowed me to remain in a positive mindset throughout the day and see the positives in life.

Daily gratitude has become a huge part of my life. It has allowed me to remain in a positive mindset throughout the day and see the positives in life.

A few months ago I stumble upon daily gratitude and the Law of Attraction.  I was immediately intrigued.

Why making an effort to express gratitude daily is so important
The importance of daily gratitude and tips on journaling to help you manifest your dreams and live a positive life
Why I practice daily gratitude and how it is helping me become a more positive person and reach my goals

The Law of Attraction states that you can attract your desires based upon the frequency of the vibrations which you put into the universe.  It is based on the notion of ‘like attracts like’,  Living with a positive mindset and being grateful for what you do have is one of the main principles of the law of attraction.

Daily gratitude and positive affirmations are tools used to help your vibrations resonate on the frequency of your desires.

This may be pseudoscience without any concrete evidence to support it, but I am a firm believer in the benefits of daily gratitude – whether you are using them to manifest your dreams or not.

What Is Daily Gratitude?

Daily gratitude is all about expressing thanks, or gratitude, about the things in your life or the things you desire in your life.

Every morning I write down what I am thankful for in my manifestation journal.  I try and think of all areas of my being, not just the big things like wealth, health, and love.  For me, the little things matter just as much as the big things.

  • I am so happy and grateful that the rain is here today.  It nourishes my garden which will nourish my family and teaches us compassion as we rescue worms stranded on the driveway.
  • I am so happy and grateful for the ability to buy new shorts for my children who are growing at an unbelievable rate.  I am grateful we have the funds to do so when needed.

Expressing gratitude for the things in life that have not even occurred yet is also something I have implemented into my daily routine.  These are things that I am working to achieve but have yet to do so.

  • I am grateful my legs are strong and can support me doing a 200lb squat.
  • I am grateful for the income I receive from my YouTube channel so my family can travel.

Living as if these things have already happened allows me to remain focused on the goal and continue to put the effort out to reach these goals.  I could be upset that I have yet to reach 1000 subs on our YouTube channel, or I could be grateful for the 962 that have found us.

Daily gratitude has become a huge part of my life. It has allowed me to remain in a positive mindset throughout the day and see the positives in life.

Excitement and joy motivate me.

In the past, I have been known to start an endless amount of projects and never finish them.  Once the excitement and joy have dwindled, my enthusiasm for the project dwindles as well.  I have found, that since starting daily affirmations, that excitement is continuing because I am reminding myself of the outcome and not dwelling on the amount of work needed to get there.  I am not afraid of the work, but the excitement empowers me to continue.  Reminding myself every day by doing my daily gratitude allows me to remain in that excited mindset.

Bad Days and Daily Gratitude

We all have bad moments and bad days – we are human after all.

As a mom, bad moments and days can have a negative effect on my children and family.  For me, bad moments and days turn me into a yeller.  This is not fair for my children.

There are moments where I feel like a fraud.  I base my social media presence on being an influencer and encourager for positive parenting.  In all transparency, I am just like any other parent.  I do have times where I lose my sh*t and yell.  I am not perfect.

Most of the time when I yell, it is unwarranted.  I own up to my mistake and acknowledge that that is not the person I want to be.  Apologizing for these outbursts with words and hugs helps everyone feel better.  I explain that I am having a bad moment. Expressing remorse about my internal frustration being forced upon them.  I am stressed and am have a hard time controlling my emotions.  While I am not typically an angry person, I raise my voice more frequently than I would like when overwhelmed.  I am not making excuses for my outburst but instead promoting a healthy sense of self and talking through emotions in a way which will help my children learn their emotions as they grow up.

Daily gratitude has become a huge part of my life. It has allowed me to remain in a positive mindset throughout the day and see the positives in life.

Since starting my daily gratitude practice, I have noticed positive changes.

I have noticed that my bad moments and bad days are fewer and further between.

My overall attitude has been much more positive, which is funny because people always comment on how positive I am.  But for once, my mindset is fully on board with the positive persona I show the world.  I am a positive person, and since doing daily gratitude I rarely succumb to the negative thoughts that used to plague my mind.

My main negative thought was always the fear of ‘what if’.

I would hesitate to make major changes because I would be riddled with fear.  Rebranding my blog and actually putting it out to the world that I wanted to be a professional blogger was something I put off for more than a year because I was afraid.  But after doing daily gratitude and realizing that I was worth the risk, my life has changed.

Now, when I am feeling apprehensive about my budding career, I remind myself of what I am thankful for.  Some of those things are in the moment, and some are the future – to inspire me to push past and keep going.

  • I am grateful we have internet access at home and I can work while my children play.
  • I am grateful to have a platform on which to share my message.

Being grateful, and truly feeling it deep within my soul, has been a huge change in my life.  I am grateful to have stumbled upon the concept.  It was like the universe was telling me something.

Starting A Daily Gratitude Practice

How do I begin with doing daily gratitude?

I have implemented a morning routine, which includes writing my daily gratitude in my manifestation journal.  Every morning, as I sit quietly and enjoy my tea, I meditate upon my life and feel the gratitude I have.  I then write down what my daily gratitude is so I can remember it and record it.

Daily gratitude has become a huge part of my life. It has allowed me to remain in a positive mindset throughout the day and see the positives in life.

Since beginning to express thanks and gratitude, I have noticed a positive shift for the beginning of my day.  The day starts out with such positive vibrations and those vibrations carry with me all day.

I purchased my journal from a local dollar store.  It is simply lined paper inside and I take a bullet journal inspired approach to the content inside.  I have also used sketch books with blank pages so that I do not feel limited by lines.

You can also buy pre-made gratitude journals.  Here are two very pretty ones I have found on Amazon.

These are affiliate links.  I do receive a commission from affiliate sale at no extra cost to you.

These pre-made daily gratitude journals are great because they give you an outline to follow.  Instead of staring at a blank page and feeling lost, you have guidance to help you with your journaling.  You can also find printables to help you in your journey.

I hope my explanation of why I practice daily gratitude inspiring.  Please share your experience with expressing gratitude in the comments below!  Join the conversation and get your voice heard.

Have a fantastic day everyone!

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Daily gratitude has become a huge part of my life. It has allowed me to remain in a positive mindset throughout the day and see the positives in life.

7 thoughts on “Why I Practice Daily Gratitude

  • Emily Terry

    This is wonderful. Just what I needed to read in this very moment. Thank you, Amy. 💗

    • Thanks, Emily. This totally wasn’t a planned article. I just got inspired and had to write! Glad you enjoyed it.

  • Love this, such a good idea. I will definitly be sharing on pinterest so I can re visit 💜

    • Thank you so much for sharing! We love the support!

  • Erika Lancaster

    Thanks so much for sharing this inspiring article! It’s SO important to be mindful and thankful for all the good things we usually take for granted! Several months ago I also adopted the habit of starting my day by writing my thoughts down in a journal, and I think this new “ritual” has certainly helped me start my day off right in so many ways!

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