Zodiac Tarot and Oracle Readings: September

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Here are the energy prediction zodiac tarot and oracle readings for all zodiac signs for the month of September 2021.

Sun sign describes your basic nature and personality traits.

Moon sign reveals your emotional side.

The rising sign (or ascendant) represents the way other people see you.

Feel free to check out the readings for the different aspects of your astrological chart. If you do not know your zodiac signs, I love this calculator from Cafe Astrology.

Decks used in this zodiac tarot and oracle reading:
Wildwood Tarot https://amzn.to/3mVyVA2
Illustrated Herbiary https://amzn.to/3taqRwn

Check out my tarot collection if you are interested in the different decks I have!

Tarot cards laying on a wooden surface.  Watercolor flowers in shades of purple and red create a border.  Here are the energy prediction zodiac tarot and oracle readings for all zodiac signs for the month of September 2021.

Below are all of the different zodiac tarot and oracle readings for the month of September 2021.

I hope you enjoy these readings.

If you are reading this before October 2021, go to YouTube and comment on the videos to have a chance to win a free tarot and oracle reading with me!

Gemini Zodiac Tarot Reading

Because Gemini is such an awesome zodiac sign, we are starting with you this month!

Illustrasted Herbiary Card Selection:

  • Raspberry: Create Space

Wildwood Tarot Card selection:

  • Five of Stone: Endurance
  • 15: The Guardian
  • Ace of Stones: The Foundations of Life
  • Queen of Vessels: Salmon
  • Knight of Arrows: Hawk
  • Queen of Arrows: Swan
  • 20: The Great Bear

Aries September Prediction

Illustrasted Herbiary Card Selection:

  • Plantain: Rewild

Wildwood Tarot Card selection:

  • 4: The Green Man
  • Ace of Stones: The Foundations of Life
  • 15: The Guardian
  • Six of Stones: Exploitation

Don’t forget that if you head on over to YouTube and leave a comment on these videos before October 2021, you will be entered into a giveaway to win a FREE tarot and oracle reading with me!

Taurus Tarot Reading

Illustrasted Herbiary Card Selection:

  • Passionflower: Excuberant Quietude

Wildwood Tarot Card selection:

  • Eight of Arrows: Struggle
  • Ten of Arrows: Instruction
  • 7: The Archer
  • 11: The Woodward
  • Queen of Vessels: Salmon

Leo September Tarot Reading

Illustrasted Herbiary Card Selection:

  • Yarrow: Pocket of Protection

Wildwood Tarot Card selection:

  • Four of Arrows: Rest
  • 10: The Wheel
  • Six of Stones: Exploitation
  • Five of Vessels: Ecstasy
  • King of Stones: Wolf
  • Nine of Vessels: Generosity

Virgo Tarot and Oracle Reading

Illustrasted Herbiary Card Selection:

  • Quaking Aspen: We Are One
  • Nettle: Pay Attention

Wildwood Tarot Card selection:

  • 12: The Mirror
  • Eight Of Vessels: Rebirth
  • Eight of Bows: Celebration
  • Ten of Vessels: Home
  • Two of Bows: Decisions
  • 9: The Hooden Man
  • Ace of Vessels: The Waters of Life
  • Six of Bows: Abundance
  • Page of Bows: Stoat

Cancer Zodiac Tarot Reading

Here is your taarot and oracle zodiac energy prediction for the month of September.

Illustrasted Herbiary Card Selection:

  • Quaking Aspen: We Are One

Wildwood Tarot Card selection:

  • Six of Bows: Abundance
  • Two of Arrows: Injustice
  • 19: The Sun of Life
  • 14: Balance
  • Five of Stones: Endurance

Libra Tarot and Oracle Reading

Thanks for checking out my readings, Libra, and have a wonderful day!

Illustrasted Herbiary Card Selection:

  • Comfrey: What Needs Mending?
  • Elderberry: Cyclicality

Wildwood Tarot Card selection:

  • 19: The Sun of Life
  • Queen of Vessels: Salmon
  • 11: The Woodward
  • Page of Stone: Lynx
  • Two of Stones: Challenge
  • Three of Bows: Fulfilment

Don’t forget that if you head on over to YouTube and leave a comment on these videos before October 2021, you will be entered into a giveaway to win a FREE tarot and oracle reading with me!

Scorpio September Prediction

Here is your September prediction tarot and oracle reading – I hope you enjoyed it, Scorpio!

Illustrasted Herbiary Card Selection:

  • Sweet Violet: Inner Sanctum
  • Tulsi: You Are Sacred

Wildwood Tarot Card selection:

  • 11: The Woodward
  • Ace of Vessels: The Waters of Life
  • 19: The Sun of Life
  • Three of Bows: Fulfilment
  • Four of Bows: Celebration
  • Five of Vessels: Ecstasy
  • Six of Stones: Exploitation
  • 2: The Seer

Sagittarius Zodiac Tarot Reading

Thank you so much for watching, Saggittarius. I hope you enjoyed this tarot and oracle reading.

Illustrasted Herbiary Card Selection:

  • Vervain: Let Magic In

Wildwood Tarot Card selection:

  • 12: The Mirror
  • Queen of Stones: Bear
  • Four of Stones: Protection
  • 2: The Seer
  • Page of Vessels: Otter
  • Six of Arrows: Transition

Capricorn, This Reading Is For You!

Enjoy this tarot reading and I cannot wait to see you next month for another one!

Illustrasted Herbiary Card Selection:

  • Apple: Forbidden Fruit

Wildwood Tarot Card selection:

  • Knight of Stones: Horse
  • 5: The Ancestor
  • 1: The Shaman
  • Two of Arrows: Injustice
  • 14: Balance
  • Two of Vessels: Attraction
  • Eight of Bows: Hearthfire

Don’t forget that if you head on over to YouTube and leave a comment on these videos before October 2021, you will be entered into a giveaway to win a FREE tarot and oracle reading with me!

Pisces Zodiac Reading

Thanks for watching, Pisces! I hope you enjoy this zodiac tarot reading and that you come back for future readings.

Illustrasted Herbiary Card Selection:

  • Vervain: Let Magic In

Wildwood Tarot Card selection:

  • 13: The Journey
  • 6: The Forest Lovers
  • 17: The Pole Star
  • 1: The Shaman
  • King of Vessels: Heron
  • Knight of Bows: Fox
  • Ace of Arrows: Breath of Life
  • King of Bows: Adder

Aquarius September Prediction

Here is your September prediction tarot and oracle reading. I hope you enjoy!

Illustrasted Herbiary Card Selection:

  • Starflower: Finding Grace
  • Oats: Just Be

Wildwood Tarot Card selection:

  • 18: Moon On The Water
  • 0: The Wanderer
  • Nine of Stones: Traditions
  • Four of Stones: Protection
  • Four of Arrows: Rest
  • Queen of Bows: Hare

Love, light, and happiness to you all.
Have a fantastic day.

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