Tarot Pick A Card: The Next 6 Months
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Have you been wondering what the next 6 months will bring? Check out this tarot pick a card reading! Use your intuition and pick the pile you are drawn too.

You have been asking for it and I have been listening. While the more generalized readings have resonated with many, a lot of people have been asking for pick a card readings.
Please let me know in the comments below which pile you picked and if it resonated with you!
This is a general reading and will not resonate with everyone. If it does not make sense to you, it was not meant for you. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter so you wont miss out on any pick a card readings!
Pick A Card: How To
If you are new to pick a card readings, the process is simple.
I want you to take 3 deep, mindful breaths. Slow and steady breaths. There is no need to rush yourself and if you feel like you need to take more breaths to calm your mind, then please do so.
As you take your deep breaths, ask yourself “what will the next 6 months bring?”
Then look at these piles. Use your intuition to pick the cards or crystal that resonates with you the most. Don’t pick with your eyes… pick with your intuition.
Which pile do you feel drawn towards?

For this tarot pick a card reading I am using two decks:

Pile One
With this tarot card spread, I am seeing success for an endeavour you have been working on. It is potentially a new business adventure or something creative. Perhaps you are an artist or a writer, seeking financial stability from your creative endeavour.
I see things taking a turn in the right direction over the next 6 months but you have to put the work in to get there. If you have been struggling with the direction you want to take, you need to take the time to meditate and reflect on what it is that you truly want. If you put your energies into a multitude of directions, you will not find the balance that you seek.
You are a unique spirit and the world would benefit from your input but you need to focus on the path you want to take. If you are feeling hesitation towards the direction that you want to take, know that if you are following your intuition and are being authentic to you, you will your goals. There might be fear holding you back or causing you to make rash decisions which are not benefiting you.
Slow down and focus on what it is that you truly desire.
Green Aventurine is a crystal commonly associated with prosperity and wealth. Carry green aventurine with you when you want to manifest financial stability or dealing with money.
The Wanderer
The Wander is a card for the free spirit within us all. It speaks of new beginning, innocence and spontaneity. In the Rider-Waite decks, this card is referred to as the Fool. You are the wanderer and you have unlimited potential if you are willing to embrace who you truly are.
The Archer
The amount of energy stored within a bow as the archer draws the arrow back is astounding. It takes a lot of control and determination to hold back that power and wait until the right moment to release it. Within all of us is stored energy waiting to be released. Through willpower, self-control, and determination, we can all reach the success we desire if we put that power into action.
Page Of Arrows – Wren – In Reverse
If you have been holding back because of fear, it is time to let go. You might be a person who is all talk and no action or someone who does things in haste without thinking things through. It is time for self-reflection and self-expression. You are worthy of your dreams but you need to understand what you truly want and what you are willing to do to get it.
This card is a warning to not move forward blindly. You need to consider your options and understand where you truly want to go. In the end, proceedings appear to be in your favour but you need to find the balance that works with you and your life first.

Pile Two
If you picked pile two of this tarot pick a card reading, I want to start off by saying you are worthy of love and compassion.
From the crystal to the cards, this spread is all about relationships. It might be friendship or love. This might also be speaking to someone who has just experienced a break-up or is still dwelling on a past loved one. The universe wants to let you know that there is someone out there for you but you need to be open to receiving love and loving yourself first. You are worthy of love.
If you find yourself desiring an ex, I want you to focus on their qualities that you are drawn to. Really work on understanding why you are attracted to this person. I feel like the universe has someone for you but you are blinded by the past and unable to receive this person into your life because of that blockage.
It is time to work on self-love and self-reflection so that you can understand who you really need in a partner. Once you can do that, the universe will deliver.
Rose Quartz is a stone typically associated with love. This could be used for self-love and used to improve self-esteem, confidence and balance your emotions. It is also a crystal you might want to work with if you are trying to manifest love into your life.
The Sun Of Life
I love when I pull the sun card in any reading. It is a card that is full of positivity and vitality. If you have been feeling down and dark recently, you may be about to shift into a period of light and love. Optimism and awakening of your inner spirit are around the corner.
Ace Of Vessels – The Waters of Life
If you have been seeking a new relationship, love might be right around the corner. Focus on the qualities you want in a partner, as opposed to a specific person. The universe has someone special for you but you need to be willing to see who it is. Once they appear in your life, you will know. Your intuition will draw you to this person that can nourish your soul.
Three Of Stones – In Reverse
Be careful about not learning from past mistakes. People who are in your past are there for a reason. If you find yourself desiring your ex back, really think about why the relationship ended in the first place. Was it you not putting your best foot forward or was there other issues for the break-up? Work on loving yourself because that is the best kind of love in this world.
We can be our own worst enemies. It is time to let go of the past and begin to look forward. When you can let go of what no longer serves you and seek attachment from those who you truly love and cherish, you will find your peace.

Pile Three
If you have been feeling conflicted on a spiritual level recently, this might be the perfect pile for you. This tarot pick a card reading makes me think that you are either going through or about to begin a new spiritual path.
Sometimes, when life feels like everything is turning upside down, the universe is working for us in mysterious ways. Often times when people are going through a spiritual awakening, we feel like we are being torn in all directions.
This is a time when self-reflection and meditation will prove a valuable tool. Learn to calm the mind and focus on personal connections which make you feel safe. If you are feeling overwhelmed, come back to mindfulness. This will pass and the other side will be glorious. You are a spiritual being who is ready to see that there is more to life than this temporary human experience.
Remember that you do not need to do it all. There are many people in your life who love you and are willing to help you but you need to ask. Find strength and safety in your community.
Carnelian is the crystal of courage, vitality, confidence and action. Carry this stone with you on job interviews or on new endeavours.
I actually had carnelian on my alter space during my home birth with my 4th child. Very empowering stone!
The Seer
You are on a journey to your higher self. It is time to look inwards. Your subconscious mind is ready to bring you on a journey of you are willing to accept it. Meditation, whether guided or on your own, might be of great value to you right now. Learning to calm your mind, so you can focus on the sacred knowledge that we all hold within ourselves, will help awaken you to your soul’s purpose here on earth.
Knight of Arrows
The Knight of Arrows is a fast-thinking, ambitious, and driven character. With a natural instinct and ability to see the whole picture, you have a gift that not everyone possesses. Harness your ambition and life will go in the direction of your wishes.
Ten of Bows – In Reverse
Sometimes we find ourselves carrying the burden of others. If you find yourself doing it all, you need to learn to delegate. You can not do it all and it is ok to ask for help from others around you. Create a community around you and let them help you. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. In fact, it takes strength to be able to ask for help. Release the need to control everything.
Happy Family
Family bonds are sacred. Whether you embrace your biological family or those whom you have chosen to bring into your life, the attachment with this family is strong. Know that you are safe within your family. They love you for who you are and want you to reach your highest potential.

I hope you enjoyed this tarot pick a card reading! Let me know, in the comments below, which pile you chose!
If you would like to suggest future questions for tarot pick a card reading, please let me know or send me a DM on Instagram!