polished crystals sitting on a slab of wood with light reflecting from behind. Are you wanting to expand your tools for witchcraft? These must-have crystals for witches may be just what you are looking for!

Must Have Crystals For Witches

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Are you wanting to expand your tools for witchcraft? These must-have crystals for witches may be just what you are looking for!

The practice of witchcraft is a highly individualistic thing. The things that work for one witch, may not work for the next. Tools, ingredients, recipes, and so much more and very subjective. Knowing what will work for you will take time.

Do Witches Need Crystals?

A lot of websites will say that witches NEED crystals.

I say that this is a load of BS.

Crystals are great to have but not necessary in any way.

There are many reasons why a witch would like to work with crystals as well as many reasons why someone would choose to not support the crystal market.

Why Use Crystals?

  • boosts energy
  • increase focus
  • releases blocked energy
  • block negative energy
  • they look pretty

Reasons Not To Use Crystals

  • you do not like them
  • you cannot afford them
  • the questionable practices around harvesting many crystals
Are you wanting to expand your tools for witchcraft? These must-have crystals for witches may be just what you are looking for!

Must Have Crystals For Witches

There are many different lists with many different crystals on them.

These are my personal favourite and are, in fact, the ones I use most often and also the ones I ever worked with.

When choosing crystals you want to work with, think about 3 things

  • Is this crystal appealing to me?
  • What do I want to do with the crystal?
  • Can I incorporate this crystal into my current practice?

We all have a unique sense of beauty. The way we practice and the intentions we have for our craft are different. We all have different psychical setups to incorporate crystals into.

If you are a believer in the law of attraction, focusing on crystals for meditation and abundance may be what you are looking for. Or perhaps you want to work with crystals for protection, then you may want something different.

This list is just a jumping-off point to start your crystal journey.


Being a February baby, the first crystal I was ever introduced to was my birthstone – amethyst.

Amethyst has always drawn my attention and I have worked with it for over 2 decades. It is by far one of my must-have crystals, whether you are a witch or not.

Amethyst Properties:

  • balances mood
  • opens the third eye
  • relieves stress
  • activated spiritual awareness
  • enhances psychic abilities


Aventurine is a highly underrated crystal. It is one I stumbled upon and purchased because I was drawn to it without knowing its properties.

I have had a lot of success adding aventurine into my craft and I highly recommend trying it out.

Aventurine Properties:

  • increased wealth and prosperity
  • great for luck
  • protection
  • stimulates willpower and confidence
  • boosts creativity


If you like to work with moon energy or connecting with Goddess energy, Selenite may be the crystal for you.

Selenite Properties:

  • good for physical cleansing
  • clears blocked energy
  • promotes connection and friendship
  • promotes peace and calm
  • brings clarity of mind
  • helps connect to intuition

Have you ever heard of the Cave of Crystals? It is full of giant selenite crystals and worth looking up.

Black Tourmaline

All witches need protection. My favourite stone for protection is black tourmaline. If you do not like the look or feel of tourmaline, you can find quartz with tourmaline inclusions which would also work great.

Black Tourmaline Properties

  • protection from negative energy
  • grounding
  • balance
  • psychic shield
  • invokes a feeling of peace

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is known as a master healing stone and can be used in place of almost any other crystal when doing your magical and healing work. If you can only start with one crystal, clear quartz would be my recommendation.

Clear Quartz Properties:

  • clears mental blocks
  • amplifies energy
  • enhances psychic abilities
  • supports and magnifies energy from other crystals
  • enchances clarity
  • aids in communication

Honorable Mentions

There are so many other crystals that I love to work with. I thought I would shout out a few with an honorable mention.

  • pyrite
  • rose quartz
  • citrine
  • smoky quartz
  • amazonite

Let me know down in the comments which crystals you like to work with!

Love, light, and happiness to you all.
Have a fantastic day.

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