Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer.The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

Affirmations For Self Love

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Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer.

The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer. The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

Self-love is so important.

Loving yourself for who you are is the beginning of living your best life.

These affirmations are simple but when repeated regularly, you will find yourself taking better care of your body, mind, and soul.  Miracles will start to happen as you improve your mindset.  Your life will get better as your relationship with yourself grows.

I approve of myself.

I am worthy of love from myself and others.

My life is a gift.

I love myself fully.

I forgive myself for the mistakes of the past.

Feeling love and happiness is normal for me.

I release my negative thoughts and embrace positivity and optimism.

I am a beautiful person.

Happiness comes from within.

My imperfections are what make me who I am.  I love who I am.

Feeling love and happiness is normal for me.

Allow yourself to believe that feeling love and happiness is normal.  It is normal for you to feel love for yourself.  Being happy is a normal occurrence in your life.  Allow the feelings of love and happiness to flood your body as you say this affirmation.

Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer. The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

Happiness comes from within.

You make your own happiness.  Your happiness is not reliant upon others.  It is normal for you to be happy.

Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer. The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

I am a beautiful person.

You are beautiful.  We are all beautiful in our own ways.  Find your beauty.

Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer. The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

I am worthy of love from myself and others.

We are all worthy of love.  Know your value and believe that you are worthy of love from yourself and from others.  It is normal for you to feel worthy of receiving love.

I approve of myself.

It is normal for me to approve of myself and feel proud of who I am.

Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer. The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

I forgive myself for the mistakes of the past.

Grow and learn from the mistakes of your past.  See them as learning opportunities to grow as a human being and to improve who you are.  Forgive yourself and move on to bigger and better things.

Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer. The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

I love myself fully.

Love yourself fully and unconditionally.  It is normal to love who you are and accept every aspect of your being.

Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer. The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

I release my negative thoughts and embrace positivity and optimism.

Negative thoughts happen.  When you find yourself thinking negatively, focus on the positive aspects and focus your attention on those.  Allow the positive and optimistic thoughts to become your new normal.

Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer. The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

My imperfections are what make me who I am.  I love who I am.

Your body is uniquely yours.  Your mind is unique to you.  Allow the imperfections and unique qualities of your being to shift into positive aspects of who you are.  Love yourself for who you are.

Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer. The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

My life is a gift.

Every morning, when you wake up, be happy that you have awoken to a new day.  Embrace each day as the gift that it is.  Your life is a gift.

Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer. The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

What is your favourite affirmation from these affirmations for self-love?

Share your affirmations in the comments and be featured in an upcoming positive affirmation post!

Repeat these affirmations for self-love and watch the world blossom around you. When you love yourself, the world is yours to conquer. The law of attraction can help you manifest your dreams and live your best life.

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