
Must Read Law Of Attraction Books

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Check out these must read law of attraction books. Whether you are new to the idea of manifestation or whether you know your power as a creator, these are great books to read.

When it comes to the world of manifestation and the law of attraction, there are some must read books and must read authors.

We all have different ways in which we like to learn information so none of these books are better or worse than the others. They all share powerful information. The way one author writes may make sense to one person and the way another writes may make sense to you.

I have made a list of some of the top recommended, must read law of attraction books so that you can find an author that allows you to connect with the information.

Law of Attraction Books by Author

I can only speak of my own personal experience with these must read law of attraction books. These are authors that I have read multiple books by them and enjoyed them thoroughly. Some of the authors in the second section do have multiple books they have written, but I have not read them and thus cannot recommend them.

These authors are in no particular order.

Dr. Wayne Dyer

The Power of Intention by Dr Wayne Dyer was was one the first law of attraction books I ever read. I had a list of books that had been recommended to me by a friend and I put them all on hold at my local library. The Power of Intention was the first one to arrive and was thus my introduction to the world of must read law of attraction books.

Dr Wayne Dyer has so many different books – look through some of his titles and start with the one that calls to you. Or do as I did! Allow the availability of the books at your local library to dictate which you choose first. Let the universe show you the way.

Esther Hicks

Esther Hicks and the teaching of Abraham Hicks are amongst some of the most discussed and perhaps well known pieces of content on manifestation. Whether it is the live presentations Esther gives, or the numerous books written, almost everyone in the law of attraction and manifestation community knows about Abraham Hicks.

I find Esther Hicks’ writing style to be very similar to how she speaks. As I read her books, I can hear her voice in my head because of the writing style.

Her content is very digestible and easy to comprehend.

Here are just a few titles I recommend. There are a lot more.

Dr Joe Dispenza

Dr Joe holds a Bachelor of Science degree and is a Doctor of Chiropractic. His post graduate training includes the fields of neuroscience and neuroplasticity, quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) measurements, epigenetics, mind-body medicine, and brain/heart coherence.

Needless to say, Dr Joe Dispenza is a highly educated author and has a unique perspective on the theory of the law of attraction. Because of his background, I find his books to be a highly detailed. Other authors on this list are very easy to read and write as they speak. Dr Joe Dispenza has a formal approach to his writing style.

Louise Hay

Have you hear of Hay House?

Hay House is a publishing company founded by Louise Hay. Hay House is the publisher of many of the books on this list, included Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and Esther Hicks.

I had read many books… I had listened to many podcasts… Many of which talk about Louise Hay. She is a highly respected person in the law of attraction and personal development community.

Rhonda Byrne

Have you ever heard of The Secret?

I’m sure you have. Most people have. Even if you have not read the book or seen the movie, you have probably heard of The Secret. We have Rhonda Byrne to thank for that great book and its sequils.

Must Read Law Of Attraction Books

There are so many wonderful authors who write about the law of attraction. Manifestation and personal development are HUGE markets.

Many of these authors have more than one book, but I have only read one title by them. There are so many amazing authors out there. So many that I have never heard of.

If you have read other titles by these authors and you enjoy them, please let me know!

Indie Law Of Attraction Authors

I used to subscribe to Kindle Unlimited. (I have switched to Audible for the current moment. Only one reading subscription at a time is my rule! haha)

I was very impressed with the number of indie authors who are writing about the law of attraction. Many of them can be read for free through kindle unlimited. When books are free, whether through the library or on the kindle, I am a lot more adventurous with what I choose.

I am willing to try authors that I have never heard of.

Willing to take a chance on something new.

The great thing about having so many authors, is the new perspectives. I love reading books about topics I love from new perspectives – from fresh eyes. There are so many ways to look at and apply manifestation into your life. So many theories and approaches about the same topic. New ideas may help you connect with these concepts on a deeper level.

Perhaps, one day, some of these authors will be at the forefront of who we think about when it comes to the law of attraction.

I hope you get a change to read some new books. If you do and you have any you enjoy, please share them with me! Either comment on this post with some of your faves or send me a message on Instagram!

Love, light, and happiness to you all.
Have a fantastic day.

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