15 Affirmations For Spiritual Growth

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What does it take to be a spiritual being? It starts with accepting who you are and allowing change. Here are 15 affirmations for spiritual growth.

No matter the stage of journey, we all have room for growth.

Who Am I?

I cannot answer this question for you.

We are all changing and evolving over time. The key is to focus on allowing yourself and your personality to shine brighter than the egotistical ideas about what you think the world wants you to be.

Depending on where you are on this journey, you may not even know yourself from your ego. You may only know yourself as the carefully crafted story that you have shown the world. But perhaps you started to accept that fire that burns deep down inside, that fire that truly inspires you to do things that are just for you.

Fuel that fire.

Change Is Good

So many of us are afraid of change.

It is not always the change itself that we fear but instead the opinions of others about said change. We fear criticism, negative reactions, and praise. Praise? Yup, praise. Because when people praise us for change, it is acknowledging that the past was not perfect.

Nothing is ever perfect.

W hen we allow ourselves to change and to evolve for ourselves, we begin to realize that the opinions of others is not as important as our own. When we allow ourselves to change, we accept that there is no such thing as perfect and that we are simply evolving as we go about this experience we call life.

I hope these affirmations will help overcome the ego and allow you to align with your higher self and with the universe.

Affirmations For Spiritual Growth

  1. I am a spiritual being living a temporary human experience.

2. I am one with the universe.

3. I am in alignment with my higher self and with the universe.

4. I am light.

5. My mind and body are in complete alignment with the Universe.

6. I am responsible for my own spiritual growth.

7. My past is not a reflection of my future.

8. I trust that everything in my life is working for my highest good.

9. I am receiving all that I am meant to have.

10. Difficult times are apart of my journey and allow me to appreciate the good.

11. I am a loving, kind and forgiving person, in accordance with my spiritual nature.

12. I let go of what no longer serves me.

13. My life is full of amazing opportunities that are ready for me to step into.

14. I am free to create the life I desire.

15. The Universe naturally and freely provides for all my needs.

Check out these other affirmations I have put together. What types of affirmations would you like in the future?

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