Divination and Intuition

Numerology Guidance Cards

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Are you looking for new tarot cards or a new oracle deck? Today I am reviewing the Numerology Guidance Cards Oracle Deck!

Check out my reviews for other oracle decks here.

Numerology Guidance Deck

I have long been fascinated with numerology. From life path numbers to seeing synchronicities, I find the study of numbers to be fascinating.

Would you like me to post more in regards to numerology? Let me know in the comments!

Many tarot readers, on YouTube, use this deck and the moment I saw it I knew I had to get my hands on it. Just before Christmas, Hay House had a sale on oracle cards and I took advantage of that sale.

You can see the unboxing of this deck here.

The artwork on this deck is very simple and yet captivating. The cards are solid, bold and vibrant colours. I absolutely love how simple these cards are in terms of the imagery. A lot of the time I use the imagery on the card to help decipher the messages but there is no need for that with these cards, in my opinion. I love the geometric shape and bold colours. It is perfect for the numerology cards.

The Numerology Guidance Deck comes with a wonderful booklet to help you understand the meanings of the cards. I find that, when I use in combination with other tarot and oracle cards, that the messages from these cards are usually quite clear. Rarely do I feel the need to pull out the book to understand the cards. They interact with my other decks really well.

Oracle Card Review

Would you like to see these cards and hear more about the quality of the cards?

Check out my review:

I hope you enjoyed this review. If there are other decks you would like me to review, please let me know!

To see the decks that I currently own, both tarot and oracle cards, check out my Amazon shop link.

If you want to see what decks are on my wish list, you can see that here.

Love, light, and happiness to you all.
Have a fantastic day.

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