Personal Growth

Gabrielle Bernstein: Spirit Junkie

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Gabrielle Bernstein is a New York Times best-selling author, international speaker, and self-proclaimed spirit junkie. Today, I want to high light some of her creations.

Gabrielle Bernstein is a New York Times best-selling author, international speaker, and self-proclaimed spirit junkie.

Lockdown has provided one major benefit for me, the time to read. Over the past few months, I have read more books than I had in the last year (and I read a lot!).

Before our libraries closed, I was able to borrow a few books by Gabrielle Bernstein. I have many more on hold waiting for things to open again. These books have provided wonderful insight, especially during this very challenging time.

How I Discovered Gabrielle Bernstein

I fell in love with an affirmation card deck a few years ago. It had amazing affirmations which really resonated with me and beautiful watercolour imagery.

Admittedly, I had no clue who the author was at first or even what the deck was called because I had unknowingly, at the time, bought a fake deck off of eBay. At the time, I had no clue that fake oracle and tarot cards was such a huge market. I just wanted some affirmation flashcards to add to my morning routine and I found ones I thought were beautiful.

When I saw the original version of this deck at one of my local card shops, I was so excited to put a name to this beautiful creation.

But I also felt terrible for buying, what I then realized was, a counterfeit deck.

Since that discovery, I was gifted the real version of The Universe Has Your Back. I have also purchased many other decks created by Gabrielle Bernstein. If you saw my Hay House unboxing, you would have seen two of those decks in that video. I have also read many of her books.

The Universe Has Your Back

In the #1 New York Times bestseller The Universe Has Your Back, I teach you how to transform your fear into faith in order to live a divinely guided life. You’ll learn to stop chasing life and truly live.

Even though I have yet to read this book, it (and it’s accompanying card deck) is what turned me onto the work of Gabrielle Bernstein.

I cannot wait to be able to read this book and soak up the knowledge that resides within it.

The Universe Has Your Back 52 card deck of inspiring affirmations and beautiful imagery is designed to help you find strength when you are down, safety in the face of uncertainty, and to look at life from a perspective of love and joy.

This deck was my introduction to Gabby and it clearly did not disappoint me. Since discovering this deck I have gone on to use the fake version I originally bought in an inspirational tarot journal and use the real version of the deck quite frequently in my morning routine or in combination with other cards for tarot and oracle readings.

Spirit Junkie

In my memoir I share the story of how I transformed my life, offering my spiritual journey as a guidebook for overcoming fear, changing perceptions, and creating a life you’re psyched to wake up for. I traded self-doubt and addiction for a new kind of high.

Spirit Junkie was the first book by Gabrielle Bernstein I read. It may have not been the best choice for an introduction, mainly because I am typically one for memoirs. That didn’t stop me from reading the whole book! It definitely took me longer to read than the majority of books of comparable length but it was still an interesting read.

Looking back, I think reading Spirit Junkie first was actually a great thing because it gave me a different perspective into an author I would have otherwise known nothing about. Knowing her history gave me confidence in her words and it made her relatable.

Judgement Detox

Judgment is the core of our discomfort. In Judgment Detox I teach you my 6-step method for releasing and healing judgment so you can feel good and restore oneness!

Judgement Detox was the second book by Gabrielle that I read. I borrowed it from the library quite a while before actually opening it. It just sat there staring at me but I couldn’t will myself to read it.

When I finally opened this book, I knew it was the perfect time for me to read the information within it.

It was about 2 months into lockdown and I was really stuck in my own head with judgement towards myself. This book really helped me see that that judgement was coming from a place of fear and not from love.

There is also a Judgement Detox Journal which I would love to buy. I think it would be very beneficial to have this journal as you read through the book. Once I do, I will definitely be re-reading the book a second time (maybe even more) because I think my first pass through only skimmed the surface of the knowledge that was available to me in this book.

Miracles Now

I handpicked 108 simple techniques to combat our most common problems—stress, burnout, frustration, jealousy, resentment. Inspired by some of the greatest spiritual teachings, these practical, moment-to-moment tools will help you eliminate blocks and live with more ease.

Miracles Now is currently on my bedside table. I am about halfway through this book and loving every technique that Gabrielle Bernstein has presented thus far. This book is one I am not rushing through. I want to take time to actually implement some of these techniques into my life as they are suggested.

I really wanted to read this book after buying the affirmation card deck of the same name. The card deck and book go really well together. It is amazing how much deeper of messages I am receiving when using the cards since reading the book.

When I first bought these cards, I was a little hesitant. They have gilded edges – which I am not always a fan of, and the shape was new and unfamiliar to me.

But after working with these cards for a few weeks, I really began to enjoy working with them. Would I have preferred non gilded edges? Probably, but they look super pretty. The messages on these cards and the colourful imagery really captures my attention. The positives of these cards far outweighs my knit-picky negatives.

Super Attractor

The Super Attractor card deck makes it fun and easy to live a spiritual life every day, feel empowered to manifest positive change, and experience a sense of awe as miracles unfold.

Gabrielle teamed up again with illustrator Micaela Ezra for this beautiful card deck.

The Super Attractor deck is very similar in style to The Universe Has Your Back deck but I think I prefer the messages in Super Attractor. Both decks are great and sometimes I feel drawn to pull from both. They work really well together.

More Books and Journals!

There are a few other books by Gabrielle Bernstein that I do not have but I still wanted to mention them here. I think all of these books are on my hold list at my local library (or at least all the books they had by her!).

Final Thoughts On Gabrielle Bernstein

I really appreciate Gabrielle’s down to earth way in which she shares her knowledge. She has a related way of writing that makes you feel like she is actually talking to you, like a friend.

If you are looking for a new author who writes about positive living, spirituality, and love, please check our Gabrielle Bernstein.

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